I'm the owner of Optima Gem and I'd like to welcome you to our family of professional jewelers, facetors and hobbyists worldwide. We cater to you because you do the kind of work we love - original work that combines skill and creativity with the beauty of fine quality gems.
We are very good at what we do. We provide products and services that either cannot be found elsewhere or are unmatched in the industry. We say that with confidence because we have been in the business for 30 years and seen it all. Let me tell you a little about who we are and what we provide. If after you read this you discover that Optima Gem is not for you, please let us know. There'll be no hard feelings, we'll save postage and we may be able to refer you to some suppliers that will be perfect for you.
My wife Debbie and I bought this business from some lifetime friends that ran the business with honesty and integrity for many years prior. We buy rough worldwide, sort it and grade it ourselves. We have fantastic experienced cutters that have been with us for many years. We pay them well for this loyalty because this is what "sets us apart" from our competition. Debbie and I do all the sorting and grading of the finished gems and we hand select every gem for you before it is shipped. This is time consuming, but it is the only way we can be assured that every gem that leaves our office is exactly (or better than) the quality we have promised.
Optima Gem has a focused product line of fine quality colored gems. We offer them faceted, in cabochon, rough and specimen. If you want unusual and rare gems or unique cuts, Optima Gem is a fantastic source for you. We don't carry settings, supplies, CZ, or rhinestones. We have very few beads and limited Diamonds. Although you may occasionally find lower prices, you'll never find a better value.
We enjoy having regular clients and reward loyalty. Check out our OptiMyGem reward program.
If you have any questions or comments, please call me. Ask for me. I want to help. If you don't think Optima Gem is for you, we can drop you from our list and help you with referrals. If you would like to do business with us but are unsure about pricing, terms, etc, call me. Our motto is "set yourself apart" because we feel that our product will help you set yourself apart from others. Give us a chance to help your business grow.

Dave & Debbie Ward
Dave: BS Electrical Engineering Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. 10 years Texas Instruments/Enercon, 30years Optimagem
Debbie: BS Business International Management Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Texas Instruments, Auto Club of Southern California
Dave & Debbie: Together 30 years 2016