Today: 1/8/2025, we have 25478 gems in stock. We have added 138 gems recently.
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Newest Sale Items:ZIRCON, TOPAZ, TOPAZ, RUBY (filled), RUBY (lab),
Sales Ending Soon: 5.72ct tw PERIDOT - $197 ends in 2 days 5.9ct tw PERIDOT - $190 ends in 3 days 15.76ct tw PEARLS - $48 ends in 4 days 11.02ct tw ANTIQUE GLASS - $48 ends in 16 days 1.82ct tw TSAVORITE - $285 ends in 16 days
Now you can purchase any pair of 5mm or 6mm calibrated gems and we'll set them for you in Sterling and send them to you ready to wear, gift or sell. Earnuts included. No returns.
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